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James W. Young,
Professional Photographer
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Week Archives
July 27, 2014

A Tufted Puffin as
seen high on Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach, Oregon on July 26, 2014.
Also known as a crested puffin, this bird is about 15 inches long with
a wingspan of about
the same. This image was obtained with a Canon EOS 1Ds
Mark III using a 400mm f/2.8
lens, along with both 2x and 1.4x lens extenders for a total f/l
of 1120mm. The bird was
about 200 feet up on the eastern slope of the 'rock', and about 300
total feet from the
camera. Haystack Rock is home for many nesting seabirds, such as
gulls, terns, puffins,
and comorants.
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