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Young's Photo Gallery
James W. Young,
Professional Photographer
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Week Archives
July 26, 2015

A Great Blue Heron in
flight off the waters of Tillamook Bay, Oregon on July 23, 2015.
I waited over 10 years to get a good image of this bird in
flight, so I guess patience
finally paid off. Toting my 11 pound 400mm telephoto, with
a 2X extender (making it
800mm) and the 1Ds Mark III Canon camera (for a total
weight of 13 lbs.), I hand
carried this from behind some bushes, without a tripod,
and spooked the bird into
flight for this image (and the other 11 that were out of focus
and/or had too much
image motion. This picture was taken at f/11, ISO
800, and 1/500 sec. exposure.
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