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James W. Young,
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Week Archives
December 23, 2012

This 140 foot tall
'TOTEM' pole stands in a Kalama, Washington city park along the
Columbia River,
about 30 miles north of Portland, Oregon. Seen here on December
21, 2012, three other poles of
39, 48, and 73 feet surround the tallest one.
Taken from the plaque describing these poles, the following gives a
brief synopsis of them: "The
Pacific Northwest Coast Indians had no written language. The
characters on these totem poles
tell a pictorial story of a clan or tribe." These Indians "regarded
particular objects, animals,
plants, birds and even supernatural creatures as special symbols...and
embraced their symbol
as belonging entirely to them and identify with it throughout their
lives. It is their 'totem'."
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