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Young's Photo Gallery

James W. Young, Professional Photographer

Image of the Week Archives

February 12, 2012

The Great Orion Nebula, as photographed on the evening of Febuary 10, 2012 from Mt. Graham,
Arizona at 9100 feet elevation.  The camera used was a recently modified Canon EOS 20D with a
new wider IR filter by Spencer's Camera & Photo in Alpine, UT.  A Canon f/2.8 400mm telephoto
 lens was used at f/4, ISO 1600 for this 3 minute exposure.  With the 20D, the equivalent focal
 length was 640mm, and tracked with a Losmandy G-8 mounting.  On the far right is the trail of
a satellite in a geosynchronous orbit.

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e-mail astroyoung@verizon.net

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