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Young's Photo Gallery

James W. Young, Professional Photographer

Image of the Week Archives

December 11, 2011
The total lunar eclipse of December 10, 2011, as photographed from Dantes View in Death Valley NP.
This image was taken at 6:09 AM PST, only 3 minutes after the eclipse entered totality.  The bright
 star to the left of the moon is iota Taurus.  North is to the right in this photograph, as the moon was
setting in the west over the Panamint Mountain Range.  The author and his wife drove from their home
in Wrightwood (112 miles southwest of the NP) to avoid heavy cirrus clouds.  The image was taken with
 a Canon 1Ds Mark III, a 400mm f/4 telephoto, and two extenders for a total focal length of 1120mm.


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e-mail astroyoung@verizon.net

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